Large Patchwork trial 

As my patchwork jacket was having the most attention at my tutorials, I felt that this was a sign to develop patchwork further. It is a great way of contrasting colours side by side as well as adding extras to create more of an illusionistic appearance. As the circle has been something that has been repeated throughout my work I instinctively used circles and the empty space where a circle was once cut to create visual happenings through the colour and fabrics of these appliqué style attachments. I’m interested in really highlighting the trickery that complementary colours cause on the eye. I feel that using stronger lights could intensify the piece and definitely show the difference in fabrics especially the fablon in comparison to the cotton. 

I know from creating this piece that I want to create more and form an installation of them for my degree show piece. 

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BA Fine Art student at Cardiff Metropolitan University School of Art and Design.

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