Installation Art

What is installation art? Installation art is used to describe large-scale, mixed-media constructions. These are usually site specific or only made for a certain period of time due to being such a large scale. I am making an installation space for the degree show, therefore I thought I would explore different types of artists who create installation art.

Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam

Playground Crochet (1990)

Toshiko creates large installation ‘playscapes’ using crochet. She allows people to play and experience the playground like installations. Her work is fun and interactive. I want mine to have a playful feel to my work as viewers can move the boxes with they wanted to change the shapes of the centre structures. 

Barry McGee. They Don’t Make This Anymore. (2008.)

Barry creates installation from his interest in Graffiti Culture and wants his work to echo the city. I am interested by Barry’s use of colour and shape that cast an illusionistic visual.

Sarah Sze

Triple Point (2013)

Sarah creates spaces using found objects and everyday ordinary things to create site-specific art installations. Sarah Sze’s intricate pieces create a new sense of space almost like a solar system.

Image result for sarah sze

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BA Fine Art student at Cardiff Metropolitan University School of Art and Design.

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