Group Project

Today we got together in groups of 3 to discuss ideas of what we could create for our group project for field. As I had done some collages of the city for my personal project and Adam looked at surrealist collaging before we thought we’d include collaging into our piece. Gweni then suggested that we’d add a 3D element to the work as she has worked with wiring and 3D sculpture before. We then thought that perhaps our piece could be in a space and then it could be more of an installation piece that you can walk into. We then went down the the four chimney space to see if there was anything we could use. We then found an empty studio space that we could use. We then researched collage artists that interested us and took a look at artists such as Hannah Hoch, David Ferry and Grayson Perry. We found Hannah Hochs collages to really reflect power which is a topic we wanted to look at Hannah’s eye collages reflected the power of the watching eye. The feeling of being controlled by the government and people of a higher class. We then decided to highlight the power that celebrities have and ways that we can mock that in our collages.


Painting Tuesday Workshop





In our first paint workshop we had to create a something in the space we had with scrap materials such as black bin bags, easels and tape. We then sat down and painted the scene using a bright colour and either an awkward thin brush or a very large brush. Once this dried we had to go back onto the pieces and paint the White spaces in a complementary colour to the colour we had just used. This was really effective as the two colours beside each other create almost an illusion effect. We were then set a task to creat 10 of our own based on our own pictures or scenes.