Life Drawing


This was for our first life drawing session. As the weather was nice we decided to go down to the river and took a walk through the beautiful public walk way. To begin we folded the A3 page into 4 sections and discussed David Hockneys work and how he works with a grid before he starts his work. This shows how he works with perspective, in most of Davids work it is apparent that not everything in his work line up as he focusses on each part of the grid. E.g perhaps the tree trunk is slightly cut in half and shifted to one side making the trunk look slightly out of line.   We had to position our selves in different places by moving our body as we moved onto each part of the grid creating a use of different view points and working with perspective. We used charcoal to create this piece. I feel that this exercise was a very interesting way of working as it helped me to focus on what I actually saw at each point. I also feel that this was a good way to become aware with whats around you and that the eyes do not focuss on everything at one point but takes in things in a snapshot style. I will definitely be working more this way as I am very intrigued by the sense of perspection and the way David Hockney works.